music by Jonas Bareiter
dance by Gesa Piper
premiered in Cologne
next performance: 18th December 20:30
Connekt'art, Theater aan de Rijn, Arnhem
premiered in Cologne
Posted by Gabriela Tarcha at 3:11 PM 0 comments
Labels: maker
"The performance civilization of European origin suffers from the division between theatre and dance, almost as though these two were two different universes of expression.
They are in fact a single world which develops into distinct genres and yet is rooted in the experience of how the performer's body-mind becomes scenically present.
Instead of theatre and dance, we can talk of deep dance and evident dance. Deep dance is typical of the scenic forms which do not appear to be danced. Evident dance sometimes separates itself from every mimetic or narrative criterion and presents itself as a pure expression of physical dynamism.
All performance, however, is dance at its physical and mental roots, a dance of energy and thought."
Posted by Gabriela Tarcha at 12:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: bits(i)blog
Jansbeekdans was comissioned for the opening of the Water Museum in Arnhem in 2004. The pictures by Ton van Vliet unfold following the trajectory of the water from its spring in the forest of Sonsbeekpark, through the city, to finally pour into the Rhine. The dance is contained in the frame of the slides, immersed in the light of constantly flowing water images.
Posted by Gabriela Tarcha at 1:47 AM 0 comments
Labels: screen
Floating Island meets Noema Dance Works
at Westpol-Gewölbe in Cologne West
with Christian Iparageri, Diego Lis, Maik Ollhoff and Gabriela Tarcha
Posted by Gabriela Tarcha at 8:34 PM 0 comments
Labels: performer, site specific